School Choice & Charters
Education news, analysis, and opinion about the legislation, policies, governance, research, advocacy, and institutions around school choice and charters.
Which States Have Private School Choice?
Education savings accounts, voucher, and tax-credit scholarships are growing. This tracker keeps tabs on them so you don't have to.
- School Choice & Charters Here's How Charters Can Improve Experiences for Students With DisabilitiesCharter schools must improve access and experiences for students with disabilities, advocates say.School Choice & Charters Why Jay-Z Is a Key Figure in the School Voucher DebateJay-Z's backing of school vouchers in Pennsylvania has public education advocates worried it will divert funds.School Choice & Charters Video How Microschools Can Fit in the Broader K-12 SystemMicroschools are a necessary option to support students within the broader K-12 system, according to this school founder.School Choice & Charters Video Private School Choice: A Video ExplainerWe're tracking the proliferation of school choice policies around the country. Here's how to get up to speed.School Choice & Charters Opinion What Would Religious Charter Schools Mean for Public Education?Discriminating and proselytizing on the taxpayer dime will never be acceptable, writes Kevin G. Welner.School Choice & Charters Private School Choice Continues to Spread. 3 Things to KnowNew research shows private schools increase tuition when states send public funds for parents to spend on private education.School Choice & Charters Opinion Does School Choice 'Work'?Ultimately, the “how” of educational choice may matter more than the “what.”School Choice & Charters Opinion 'Control Freaks' Are 'Losing Their Grip' on Education"School choice evangelist" says new laws are a response to unions, bureaucracies, and K-12 ideologues.School Choice & Charters Another State Is Launching a Private School Choice Program. Will More Follow?Alabama is the 12th state to offer a private school choice program that all students in the state will be eligible to access.School Choice & Charters Opinion What's the State of Charter Schools Today?Even though there's momentum behind the charter school movement, charters face many of the same challenges as traditional public schools.School Choice & Charters As Private School Choice Grows, Critics Push for More GuardrailsCalls are growing for more scrutiny over where state funds for private school choice go and how students are faring in the classroom.School Choice & Charters How a District Hopes to Save an ESSER-Funded ProgramAs a one-time infusion of federal funding expires, districts are searching for creative ways to keep programs they funded with it running.School Choice & Charters Q&A How the Charter School Movement Is Changing: A Top Charter Advocate Looks Back and AheadNina Rees, president and CEO of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, plans to step down as leader of the group at the end of the year.School Choice & Charters Lead NAEP Official Faces Scrutiny Over Improper Spending Alleged at N.C. Charter SchoolPeggy Carr, the National Center for Education Statistics' head, is vice chair of the school's board and part-owner of school properties.School Choice & Charters 3 Decades In, Charter Schools Continue to Face Legal ChallengesDebates are raging in Kentucky and Montana over whether charter schools violate state constitutions.